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“Suzuki is more than just business: it is a friendship,” Says Orbán

MTI-Hungary Today 2024.06.04.
Toshihiro Suzuki (L) and Viktor Orbán (R)

Prime Minister Viktor Orbán held talks with Toshihiro Suzuki, Chairman and CEO of the Japanese Suzuki Motor Corporation, at the Carmelite Monastery of Buda.

During the meeting, they reviewed the situation of the European and Hungarian automotive industries and the challenges of the technical transition. The Prime Minister said that Hungary is interested in Suzuki’s success, and that the relationship between Hungarians and Suzuki is more than just business: it is a friendship.

On the state of the Hungarian economy, Mr Orbán noted that it will continue to grow this year and next year; credit rating agencies, investors, Hungarian entrepreneurs, and the Hungarian people also have confidence in Hungary. “We are optimistic, but at the same time war is a great danger, and in this respect the situation is very difficult, because war not only threatens lives, families, and people’s wealth, but also entire economies,” the Prime Minister concluded.


Suzuki started production in Hungary in 1991. In the early days, production amounted to 1,000 vehicles per year, but nowadays 700 vehicles leave the Esztergom production line every day. In 1994, the 25,000th Suzuki was produced in Hungary, and in 2024, the four millionth vehicle rolled off the assembly line. Iconic models such as the Swift, the S-Cross, the Wagon R+, and the Vitara are produced at the Japanese company’s Hungarian plant.
Foreign Minister Holds Talks with Suzuki's CEO in Tokyo
Foreign Minister Holds Talks with Suzuki's CEO in Tokyo

Péter Szijjártó discussed further developments and investments with the Japanese car manufacturer.Continue reading

Via MTI; Featured Image: MTI / Miniszterelnöki Sajtóiroda / Benko Vivien Cher

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