The PM gave a lengthy interview to MR1 Kossuth Radio discussing the EP elections, war, and peace.Continue reading
Hundreds of thousands of Hungarians marched through the capital Budapest to show their strength and unity in defense of Christian conservative values, against gender ideology, war rhetoric or open society. Participants gathered on Margit Island where Prime Minister Viktor Orbán has delivered an impassioned speech. Hungarians were joined by international supporters from the Baltic states, Sweden, and the rest of Europe.
Photo: MTI/Czeglédi Zsolt
Addressing the Peace March organized by the Civil Alliance Forum – Civil Alliance Public Benefit Foundation (CÖF-CÖKA) Viktor Orbán said that “we send our greetings and ask God’s blessing to the Hungarians of Transcarpathia (Western Ukraine), who have been waiting for the end of the conflict for two years in the shadow of war, deprived of their rights. We are with you and we assure you that the day is not far off when your fate will change for the better”. The Prime Minister also sent his greetings to Robert Fico, Prime Minister of Slovakia, who has been a victim of an assassination attempt by a left-wing fanatic.
Photo: MTI/Balogh Zoltán
Prime Minister Orbán pointed out that Hungary is not for sale to Brussels, Washington or U.S. oligarch George Soros. Referring to the upcoming European Parliament election he said that Hungarians are sending their candidates to “take over Brussels”. We need people like us there who do not believe in war and violence, but believe in the power of togetherness – he added.
We need to win, the Prime Minister continued, and we need to win the election in a way that will make the bureaucrats in Brussels open the gates of the city to us in fear and leave the offices in fear”. He said that our camp is the largest and most united. Never before has anyone been able to rally so many people for peace, because the aim of the Hungarian electoral army is to preserve peace. He expressed his belief that everything is in the conservative forces’ favor: their strength, the good cause they serve, even their opponents’ lack of skills.
Photo: MTI/Czeglédi Zsolt
Passion is the fuel of the right and they have a common love called Hungary,
the head of government told his audience. As he indicated, Europe must be prevented from rushing into war, into its own destruction. Europe today is preparing for war. There are no brakes on the pro-war train and the engineer has gone mad. We will set out to achieve no less in the EP elections than trying to stop this train. We have unhitched the Hungarian carriage from the train that is hurtling towards the self-abandonment of nations in good time and we have also rescued Hungarian children from the hands of gender activists. Nor will we allow our children and grandchildren to be transported to the Ukrainian front.
Photo: MTI/Koszticsák Szilárd
He then repeated his well known phrase – “No migration, no gender, no war”. We can only stay out of war if the Hungarian electorate strengthens the government. Hungary can only stay out of the war if we have the biggest electoral victory in Europe – he underlined. He stressed that if the left wins, it is only a matter of time before war catches up with us. According to the prime minister, the pro-war people do not care about anyone, not about the future of our children, our homes or our future. They cannot be convinced, so we must not try to convince them either, but defeat them.
Photo: MTI/Máthé Zoltán
Before the First World War Europe was the master of the world, after the Second World War it was no longer master of itself, invaded by foreign powers in the West and East. Now we are playing second fiddle”.
Even after a war, Europe will not be in the orchestra that sets the rhythm of the world, if there is an orchestra at all. We Hungarians have nothing to gain and everything to lose,” he said. He reminded that in the First World War, two-thirds of Hungary’s historic territories were taken away, in the Second World War its army was destroyed on foreign soil, and then there was no one to defend the homeland. According to the Prime Minister, now we are again expected to participate in a war.
Photo: MTI/Koszticsák Szilárd
For the third time, we will not go east, we will not go to the Russian front again, we have been there, we have no business being there”,
– he stressed. As he said, we will not sacrifice ourselves to be paid off by war speculators. He added that U.S. oligarch George Soros wrote his own scenario 30 years ago, according to which Russia could be defeated by Western technology and Eastern European manpower, and the shortage of manpower could be made up by migration. As he said, the political left serves this cause, but “we have no intention of obeying”. Enough of Brussels kissing up to Soros. They have to go. The pro-war forces are now in the majority, Viktor Orbán said. He said that many people believe that evil does not exist, although evil is behind all world wars, but now it is time for an “exorcism”.
Photo: MTI/Máthé Zoltán
The Prime Minister stressed that the task is to turn the justice of Hungarians into European justice. On Election Day, the guns will be thundering in the neighbourhood. There have been generations on Earth whose worst nightmares have come true in the past. Hungarians know the nature of war. War kills, the Prime Minister said. He drew attention to the fact that wherever war sets foot, there is no escape, and that the only antidote to war is peace, staying out of war and preserving Hungary as an island of peace. There is no solution to this war on the battlefield, he added.
Photo: MTI/Koszticsák Szilárd
The election must be won next week, and in a week’s time we will have reinforcements from all the countries of Europe and we can build a pro-peace coalition. In the autumn, Americans can choose a pro-peace coalition and we can create a transatlantic peace coalition. At the beginning of the year we were in the minority, by the end of the year we could be in the majority across the western world, he said.
Via Magyar Nemzet, Featured Image: MTI