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Viktor Orbán: “We are centimeters away from actual destruction”

Hungary Today 2024.05.31.

Prime Minister Viktor Orbán gave a lengthy interview to MR1 Kossuth Radio, discussing the current debate regarding European conscription, the historical context of war, the upcoming peace march in Budapest, and the European Parliament elections next Sunday, reports Infostart.

Conscription in Europe

The Prime Minister discussed the European debate on restoring military conscription, noting that Poland, for instance, is already considering its reinstatement. He emphasized that conscription may not be the only solution, as there are reservists, military schools, and other institutions that can engage young people in the military. He highlighted Germany’s call for a united decision from Brussels on the issue, which he believes should be reconsidered.

Reintroducing conscription is not necessarily the only solution,”

he said.

Ukrainian or Western Weapons?

Mr. Orbán addressed the complexities of Western involvement in Ukraine, mentioning recent developments such as French military instructors in Ukraine and debates about Western weapons targeting Russia.

He warned that NATO is moving closer to direct engagement in the conflict.

He highlighted the differing perceptions of security between the West and Central Europe, and criticized the West’s pursuit of military success at any cost. “We are centimeters away from actual destruction,” he cautioned.

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To die for Ukraine

Reflecting on Hungary’s historical involvements in two World Wars, Viktor Orbán expressed concern about current pressures pushing Hungary towards conflict. He questioned whether Hungarians should be forced to die for Ukraine, emphasizing his stance for peace. He reiterated that NATO is a defense alliance, not meant for intervention in wars outside its territory, which could escalate to world war.

Dare we say that we are not prepared to die for Ukraine? We are not willing,”

he concluded.

Peace March

The Prime Minister will speak at the Peace March on June 1, addressing the threat of war and criticizing those who support military interventions, including what he designated as the “Soros empire.” He emphasized Hungary’s strong desire for peace and the European Union’s foundation as a peace project. He believes more Europeans are realizing the need for a peaceful resolution, a ceasefire, and negotiations.

Hungarians have a strong desire for peace, and Europe cannot withstand another war,” he asserted.

EP Elections

Orbán described the forthcoming EP elections as a turning point, asserting that sensible leaders will prioritize peace over war.

He criticized current European leaders for their pro-war decisions and stressed the need to elect pro-peace representatives.

He concluded that in Hungary, only the Fidesz-KDNP coalition stands firmly for peace, contrasting with what he called “pro-war politicians” who must be challenged. “The pro-war politicians must be chased out; pro-peace representatives can and must be sent” to the European Parliament in the coming elections, he stated.

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Via MTI, Infostart; Featured Image: MTI / Miniszterelnöki Sajtóiroda / Fischer Zoltán

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