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Chilean Politician Visits the Hungarian-Serbian Border and Praises Hungary’s Migration Policies

Hungary Today 2024.05.24.
migration situation

Chilean politician and former presidential candidate José Antonio Kast has recently embarked on a campaign tour that led him to the border fence in Hungary, reports German newspaper Die Welt.

On May 2, 2024, in Szeged (southern-Hungary), Mr. Kast collaborated with Hungarian security forces to inspect the border fence and other installations of border protection.

Photo: Facebook / José Antonio Kast

During his visit, he proposed a concrete plan: to build a wall between Bolivia and Chile.

“Illegal immigration is destroying our country. To stop it, we urgently need to close our borders,” Mr. Kast wrote, emphasizing the inevitability of fences.

José Antonio Kast’s visit to Hungary is part of a Hungarian-Latin American series of meetings where migration issues take center stage. Countries grappling with serious humanitarian challenges caused by migration seek proximity with Hungarian representatives. Budapest justifies its criticism of Europe based on its international interests in border policy. Migration also dominates discussions in other Latin American countries where the Hungarian government maintains close ties.

In Panama and the Dominican Republic, migration features prominently in election campaigns.

Hungarian Foreign Minister Péter Szijjártó and his counterpart visited Panama shortly before the presidential elections in early May. During the visit, they criticized NGOs attempting to regularize illegal migration.

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Government Calls on Brussels to Pick Up Border Protection Tab

Mihály Varga has invited Johannes Hahn to personally inform him about the situation on the southern border.Continue reading

Via Die Welt; Featured Image: police.hu

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