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Secretary of State: The Motherland Stands Up for Its Communities Abroad

MTI-Hungary Today 2024.05.24.

The Secretary of State for National Policy emphasized the critical need for unity among Hungarians, both domestically and abroad, as vital for their continued survival and growth.

Árpád János Potápi lauded Satu Mare (Szatmárnémeti) as a shining example of solidarity, highlighting the imperative for a collective endeavor to safeguard Hungarian identity and values. Quoting the motto of this year’s Pentecost Pilgrimage of Șumuleu Ciuc (Csíksomlyó), he underscored the essential nature of renewal to uphold faith and culture.

Local officials in Satu Mare heralded progress in childcare facilities, noting a significant increase in childcare places and ongoing construction of additional nurseries.

Despite facing challenges, there remains a palpable optimism about the future, with leaders stressing the importance of unity and shared direction in forging a brighter path ahead.

The recently renovated nursery and kindergarten, consecrated by Jenő Schönberger, Bishop of Satu Mare County, symbolize a steadfast commitment to providing education steeped in Christian values, ensuring a robust foundation for the next generation to thrive and flourish in their heritage.

As long as we build together in the same direction and in the right direction, we have a future, and we want to build it for everyone,” Mr. Schönberger stated.

This resolute dedication underscores the nation’s resolve to overcome challenges and pave the way for a prosperous future.

Foreign Minister Emphasizes Preservation of Hungarian Identity in London
Foreign Minister Emphasizes Preservation of Hungarian Identity in London

He commended the efforts of teachers who volunteer their time at the Hungarian School Plus.Continue reading

Via MTI; Featured Image: Facebook / Potápi Árpád János

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