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President Sulyok Welcomes Guests from the Friends of Hungary Foundation

Dániel Deme 2024.05.11.

President Tamás Sulyok had welcomed guests from the Friends of Hungary Foundation on the second day of their annual conference at his residence, the Sándor Palace, in Budapest. In his speech he emphasized Hungarian resilience against all odds and adversity in a world increasingly hostile towards national values.

Members of the Friends of Hungary Foundation (FoH), publishers of our news portal Hungary Today, were invited to a guest reception at Buda Castle’s Sándor Palace with President Tamás Sulyok and his wife Zsuzsanna Nagy. Addressing members of the FoH, representatives of the Hungarian diaspora from around the world, President Sulyok spoke about the importance of unity, because as he said, the voice of good people, when heard individually, can be suppressed. But people who come together working for a cause feel and experience that they belong together – in a spiritual, intellectual, cultural and value union.

Coming together from all over the globe, members of the Hungarian diaspora stand together and represent Hungary and all the values and ways of life that flow from its culture and communities. Faith, Sovereignty, Peace, Family, Community, Justice, Compassion, and Concord.

When we speak of the Hungarian position to the world, we must always begin with these. Our common values are worth sharing with the world, said the President.

Photo: Hungary Today

Tamás Sulyok continued by saying that serious things are said about our country in different parts of the world. In good faith, we could call them misconceptions. But let us not be naive, they are not. Most of them are deliberate misrepresentations. It is a stumbling block to many that we proudly cling to values that others are about to abandon. But we, who are born into this culture, we who know the difficulties, but also the values and strengths of Hungary intimately, are aware of the truth. Those who are inspired by Hungarian culture also understand the facts.

Photo: Hungary Today

Even if it sometimes seems that we stand alone, there are many who find Hungarian perseverance a source of strength.

In times of faithlessness, faith gives strength and hope. In times of loss of values, the guardians of values provide security. In an age of dispersion and loneliness, belonging to community and family is valued. In times of unrest, the desire for peace is crucial. All this is something that Hungary represents. We are not alone, stressed the Hungarian President.

President Tamás Sulyok (R), accompanied by his wife Zsuzsanna Nagy (C),, is given a honorary Friends of Hungary Prize by President of the FoH, E. Sylvester Vizi (L). Photo: Hungary Today

“Friends of Hungary! I cannot be pessimistic among friends who are here today”, addressed President Sulyok members of the world-wide Hungarian community. “I know that in every part of the world, day after day,

the gathered members of the Hungarian diaspora proclaim the values that the majority of Hungarians share, they tell the truth about the Hungarian homeland, they stand up for us and for the Hungarian position.”

Photo: Hungary Today

The President concluded by pointing out that Hungarians living abroad can reach out where those living in the homeland cannot reach out.

You make our country known, understood and loved. This is a true alliance of values instead of a short-lived alliance of interests.

And as such it is timeless and strong. You are the greatest example of how commitment to one’s country is not a matter of geographical proximity. Thank you for standing up for Hungary! Thank you for representing our millennia-old culture to the world, and for showing everyone what makes Hungarians’ thinking and positions unique and worthy of consideration”, closed his words Tamás Sulyok.

10th Friends of Hungary Foundation Conference Opens its Doors
10th Friends of Hungary Foundation Conference Opens its Doors

The Conference was opened by Professor E Sylvester ViziContinue reading

Featured Image: Hungary Today

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