The court ordered the gendarmerie to pay the legal costs of RON 300 (EUR 60).Continue reading
The Szekler community, like the other Hungarian communities in the Carpathian Basin, can count on the support and assistance of the Hungarian government, the Minister of State for National Policy of the Prime Minister’s Office said on Sunday.
On the occasion of Szekler Freedom Day, Árpád János Potápi recalled that on March 10, Hungarians commemorate the Szekler martyrs who were executed on March 10, 1854 at the Post Office in Târgu Mures (Marosvásárhely). “This day is a tribute to our Szekler compatriots who fought for national self-determination,” he said.
Every year, Hungarian organizations from Transylvania hold a commemoration and a parade in Târgu Mures, with participants coming from the Hungarian settlements of Transylvania. Last year, around 1,500-2,000 people took part in the occasion.
Potápi stressed that the Szeklers’ demand for self-determination is “not an unprecedented aspiration,” and that there are several working examples of this in the European Union, including those of the Austrians in southern Tyrol and the Swedish-speaking inhabitants of the Aland Islands in Finland.
The Szekler-Hungarian community, which is in the majority in its homeland, must have the right to solve its own problems in the public interest, and self-determination is a guarantee of survival in the homeland,”
Potápi argued.
He stressed that if a national community is free to live its identity, preserve and practice its culture and traditions, and operate its own institutional system, this is not only good for the community, but also for the successor state.
The Minister of State noted that territorial autonomy means immunity, self-organization, and local legislation, which is good for everyone and is not directed against anyone. In his statement, he stressed that the cause of Szekler freedom is a common cause of all Hungarians.
MTI, Featured image: Facebook/Székely Nemzeti Tanács