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The Energy21 Initiative convened for its third meeting, with nuclear energy taking center stage in discussions among prominent public, scientific, and economic experts.
In his opening remarks, Professor László Palkovics, the initiator of Energy21 (E21), stressed that nuclear energy remains the key to a green future. E21 members adopted the following proposals in relation to the professor’s speech:
the primary recommendation emphasizes that meeting the Paris climate targets is contingent upon the inclusion of nuclear energy, with safety taking precedence over all other considerations in its use.
Ensuring safe operation involves transferring knowledge to all sectors of society, providing credible information, and maintaining a broad education, training, and research base. In their third recommendation, they suggest that the domestic application of Small Modular Reactor (SMR) technology should be considered in the light of a careful and thorough combination of regulatory, economic, and social aspects.
The members of the Energy21 Initiative acknowledged the importance of domestic research in assisting with the processing and disposal of nuclear waste. They recommend that all means be used to support the continuation of this research.
Via MTI; Featured Image: Facebook / Szijjártó Péter