The university has been researching the usability of renewable energy and its storage possibilities for a long time.Continue reading
In the UI GreenMetric competition, the University of Sopron’s e-waste collection and waste management project was ranked first out of the world’s 54 leading universities in this field.
The University of Sopron, awarded the International Green Gown Awards 2022, supported by the United Nations Environment Program, said in a statement that it was also ranked gold in the UI GreenMetric sustainability world ranking and was considered the third greenest Hungarian university.
They wrote that responsible consumption, sustainable supply chains, nature-positive operations, and an ecological approach to biodiversity conservation have always characterized the university.
A recent global recognition of this conscious attitude is the achievement of first place in the UI GreenMetric E-waste Campaign.”
They added that Europe leads the world in per capita e-waste generation, with the international non-profit organization Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment Forum stating that “on average, there are 74 electronic items per household in the European Union, 17 of which are lying unused in drawers and cupboards” (headphones, cables, hard disk drives, smartphones).
At the University of Sopron, continuous awareness-raising and research activities are being carried out to support the development of this innovative area, based on the principles of the waste hierarchy, the 3Rs (reduce, reuse, recycle) and the circular economy model. “For the University of Sopron, it is of paramount importance to consider e-waste as a valuable secondary raw material, and therefore selective collection is a priority,” they stressed.
Via MTI, Featured image: Facebook/Soproni Egyetem