The law will not be applied on the employment of guest workers until the full regulation is in place.Continue reading
The government is proposing a new comprehensive law, tightening and clarifying the legal titles and conditions of residence and employment of foreign nationals in Hungary, reads the preamble of the draft law published on the website of the government late Tuesday.
“Due to the renewed increase in migration, there is a need for tightening up the immigration regulations. Hungary belongs to Hungarians and Hungarian jobs belong to Hungarians in the first place. We must clearly regulate who can stay in Hungary and for how long. Neither work nor other residence should be unlimited and cannot be automatically extended,” reads the preamble.
The document also says: “Hungary is a sovereign state – it decides for itself who is allowed to enter its territory and expects everyone to respect Hungarian laws and the Hungarian norms of coexistence. Anyone who does not respect Hungarian laws and rules must leave Hungary immediately. If they do not leave Hungary voluntarily, they must be removed – legally but decisively.”
The law makes it clear that guest workers can only be employed in Hungary under the strictest rules. “By tightening the rules on working in Hungary, we are creating another legal safeguard to protect Hungary from mass immigration,” the document says.
A foreign national can only work in Hungary if a Hungarian worker is not able to fulfill the job.
Therefore, for each job, it must first be checked whether there is a Hungarian worker. If there are no Hungarians to employ, a guest worker can be employed. Only as many guest workers are allowed to come to Hungary as the number of vacancies. Guest workers can only stay in Hungary for a limited period, after which they must leave the country, reads the preamble.
Residence in Hungary is not a fundamental right for a citizen of a foreign state! A foreigner may reside in Hungary only for a purpose, with a legal title, for a period of time and under conditions approved by the Hungarian state,”
the preamble states.
Furthermore, nationals of a third country may reside or work permanently in Hungary with the permission of the Hungarian state only if their stay in Hungary is in the interests of Hungarian society and their employment in Hungary does not place any Hungarian citizen in a disadvantageous position.
Via MTI, Featured image: Pexels