City centers filled up with Hungarians and thousands of tourist all over the country to celebrate the national holidayContinue reading
On the occasion of St Stephen’s Day, the Minister of Justice said that Hungarians are able to pull through in face of difficulties in the world. She also praised “strong, peace-loving Hungary”.
“For centuries, the country of St. Stephen was preserved by our ancestors with great strength and will. Today we celebrate the strong, peace-loving Hungary,” emphasized Judit Varga, Minister of Justice, on Saturday in Veszprém, on Hungary’s national day.
According to Judit Varga, despite the difficulties caused by the war in Ukraine, the energy crisis, and the coronavirus epidemic, Hungarians have reason to celebrate, as the Hungarian people have proven countless times that by working together, they become stronger than before.
“We have every right to be proud of our legal knowledge and our history,” she stressed. The Justice Minister added that “this gives us strength when they want to melt our country into the grey phalanstery.” According to Varga, the measure of a society is how it deals with challenges. “Hungary says no to arms transfers [to Ukraine], and has been a guardian of peace in Europe for centuries,” the Minister explained.
“If we stick together and do not lose our national ambitions, we can remain a local exception in times of global turmoil and recession,” she added.
Featured photo via Facebook/Varga Judit