While they appear less harmful than cigarettes, they may still be dangerous for a number of reasons, experts also confirmed.Continue reading
Hungarian adults in general perceive the presence of generational tensions: there are twice as many who think there is a generational gap between young and old as those who think there is not, according to a survey conducted by Mathias Corvinus Collegium (MCC) and its affiliated Institute for Youth Research.
The Institute for Youth Research conducted its representative survey in spring 2022, which showed that 41% of respondents believe there is a divide between younger and older people. In contrast, only 20 percent said that there was no contrast. The remaining 38 percent were undecided.
In any case, the generation gap is perceived differently by people of different age groups, which is a global societal characteristic.
The younger the respondents were, the higher the proportion who said they perceived a gap between the two age groups.
Almost 60 percent of those in the youngest age group (18-29) said that there is a contrast between older and younger people. Meanwhile, only around 40 percent of those aged 40 and over gave this answer.
Levente Székely, head of the Institute for Youth Research, pointed out that age differences in the perception of generational differences by other socio-demographic characteristics (e.g. educational attainment, type of settlement of residence) are not present. This suggests that the interaction between different age groups does not actually depend on anything other than age.
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