Although 72% of Hungarians believe that such media is necessary, but this percentage is still lower than in the other three countries, where it is over 80%.Continue reading
After 92nd place last year, Hungary is now ranked 85th in the press freedom ranking of Reporters Without Borders (RSF), which surveyed 180 countries.
The list reveals that Hungary remains one of the so-called “problematic” countries in the organization’s view, and only two of the EU member states have a worse press situation: Bulgaria and Greece, HVG reports.
RSF explained the better ranking, among other things, by the greater consideration given to press freedom on the internet than in the past, and by the hopeful efforts of the EU institutions to protect press freedom. (The opening of an infringement procedure in the case of the “muting” of Klubrádió, was cited as an example).
The organization, however, underscored that the recent two-thirds Fidesz victory was not taken into account in the establishment of the list so that its possible effects could only be felt in next year’s list.
You can find the full list here, and RSF’s findings of Hungary here.
Featured image: illustration via Pixabay