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Of 30 examined countries, Hungary is in the bottom three in terms of happiness, according to Ipsos’ latest Global Happiness survey, as only 51% said they were very happy, or rather happy. The ratio of adults saying they are not happy at all is also high in Hungary in a global comparison.
The question was: Taking all things together, would you say you are: very happy, rather happy, not very happy, not happy at all?
According to the survey’s findings, after Turkey (42%), Argentina (48%), happiness is least prevalent in Hungary (51%), while it is most prevalent in the Netherlands and Australia, with 86% and 85%, respectively. China, Great Britain, India, France, Saudi Arabia, and Canada also scored high.
Hungary is one of the three bottom countries in another aspect: after Turkey (18%), and Argentina (14%), Hungary scored the third highest rate (13%) of adults saying they are not happy at all.
Compared to mid-2020, the prevalence of happiness in Hungary increased by six points (more than the global average of four points.
Compared to early 2019 (one year before the pandemic started), it has increased by 1% in Hungary (while it increased by three points globally).
In Central/Eastern European comparison, only Poland, Romania, Russia, Hungary, and Turkey are examined, and Hungary usually at the bottom, or is one of the lowest countries on the list.
featured image illustration via Zoltán Balogh/MTI