As all men up to the age of 60 might be drafted to the Ukrainian army soon, many people have already packed their bags and are heading for Hungary.Continue reading
On Thursday evening, the Hungarian government announced in a government decree that refugees from Ukraine will be granted temporary protection under a section of the asylum law. It states that those who “had to flee their country due to armed conflict, civil war or ethnic unrest” are entitled to temporary protection. This applies to all Ukrainian citizens coming from the territory of Ukraine and to third-country nationals legally residing in Ukraine.
This article was originally published on our sister-site, Ungarn Heute.
To this end, the government used the “emergency mandate” it received during the coronavirus epidemic, i.e. it amended the law at a lower level so as to avoid the application of the transitional provision on the asylum procedure, according to which, originally, asylum applications could only be submitted to the Hungarian embassy in Kyiv.
Earlier, the Hungarian Helsinki Committee had pointed out that Hungary would probably not be able to accept war refugees from Ukraine without a change in the law. Since May 2020, asylum applications cannot be submitted at the border or in Hungary, and therefore a change in the law would be necessary in order to keep the government’s promise of providing humanitarian aid.
Source: Telex
Featured image: People try to board a bus in Kyiv to leave the city on February 24, 2022. Photo by Emilio Morenatti/AP/MTI