Ásotthalom mayor László Toroczkai, who is also the chairman of the far-right "Mi Hazánk" movement, has recently published several videos showing armed "field guards" searching the forest at night for illegal border crossers.Continue reading
Twenty-six illegal migrants were apprehended on Wednesday after the van carrying them overturned near Kiskunlacháza, south of Budapest, the Pest County police headquarters have said.
The van overturned after driving into a ditch, police said in a statement. The authorities detained 26 migrants just after the accident. The driver, a 36-year-old Serbian citizen, was arrested a few hours later at nearby Délegyháza.
The migrants, who claimed to be Syrian citizens, could not provide any documents verifying their identity and legal status. After being interrogated they were escorted back to the fence on Hungary’s southern border.
featured image via police.hu