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The University of Debrecen is the first and so far the only institution in Hungary to achieve the highest platinum level in the FISU Healthy Campus rating system. With this recognition, it is one of the 38 institutions in the world with the highest rating in the area of quality of life and lifestyle on campus, writes Világgazdaság.
As previously demonstrated, students’ health is at particular risk during their academic years. In order to promote a healthy lifestyle for university citizens, universities should strive to create an appropriate environment. One of the aims of the International University Sports Federation (FISU), with the support of the International Olympic Committee, is to provide students with opportunities to participate in physical activity for their health and well-being, the University of Debrecen’s portal reported on the background to their program following the award.
As they write, Healthy Campus is a global program that addresses different areas, not only physical activity. FISU aims to help integrate health into all aspects of campus culture and offer solutions to improve the lifestyle and well-being of the campus community.
The program covers a specific two-year period, during which time the university follows a nine-step set of requirements to reach a final assessment, leading to the award of a degree and certification.
In the latest FISU Healthy Campus list, the University of Debrecen has been ranked in the top tier of the world elite, achieving a platinum rating.
Zoltán Bács, the Chancellor of the university, said that it was already clear when the previous gold grade was awarded that the University of Debrecen could reach the highest level of the rating system, therefore it was only a matter of time before it was awarded the platinum grade.
This is an outstanding achievement, an excellent endorsement from one of the world’s leading sporting organizations, of which we are very proud. It reflects our long-term vision of providing not only a high quality of study, but also the opportunity to improve the quality of life through sport, culture, community, food, anything that affects our daily well-being, assessed the result for the university portal.
One hundred criteria were identified to be met across the seven main pillars of Healthy Campus. Universities are ranked according to how well they meet these criteria. The University of Debrecen has so far met 95 of them, making it one of the best. Only 38 institutions from all the continents of the world are among the elite, with only 138 universities making it to the ranking process.
According to the University of Debrecen’s management, it is a great recognition that the name of the Hungarian institution is mentioned alongside institutions such as
According to László Balogh, Director of the university’s Institute of Sports Science Coordination, it has already been proven that, in addition to the quality of education and university facilities, other activities aimed at health and quality of life are important.
He added that the work is far from over. “In the autumn,
a three-member delegation from FISU will visit them to review their good practices, which could serve as a global example for other universities to follow.
Last but not least, our achievements will be a plus point in international academic rankings,” concluded the Director.
So far, Hungary has only one other institution in the program, the Hungarian University of Sports Science, which was awarded bronze in the FISU ranking.
Via Világgazdaság; Featured image via Facebook/Debreceni Egyetem