The Budapest Forum is essentially an anti-conservative conference financed by the U.S. taxpayer and the Budapest municipality.Continue reading
Prime Minister Viktor Orbán was re-elected president of Fidesz on Saturday at the 30th renewal congress of the governing party in Budapest by 1190 votes. Viktor Orbán was president of Fidesz from 1993 to 2000 and since 2003 without interruption.
In his speech the Prime Minister promised that Hungary will defend itself and resist with all its might, and said that he was honored to be entrusted once again with leading “the most successful and strongest political community in the country, and indeed in Europe”, Fidesz. He noted that a decision on whether to continue as party leader will be made at the 2025 convention, but said that “to help the consideration of potential aspirants” he was “anticipating that I am still at the best age, and I plan to be at the best age and in the best shape by 2025”.
Viktor Orbán stressed that you cannot sell out your country for money with impunity, and that is why Hungary’s sovereignty protection rules must be drawn up, alluding to a planned set of legislation aimed at protecting the electoral system from foreign funding and interference. Prime Minister Orbán said that they cannot ignore the proven fact that foreign states, organizations and Brussels itself gave money to the left to defeat Fidesz-KDNP during the 2022 elections.
Is it possible to sell the country for money with impunity? We must resolve this, and we expect our parliamentarians to draw up rules to protect Hungary’s sovereignty, right up to the constitution”,
Viktor Orbán said.
The Prime Minister also spoke about the last elections in 2022, saying that the entire Left, including those who defected from the Right (a reference to the right-wing nationalist party Jobbik), has united against us, and has rallied behind us all the resources of the Western Left – money, media, politicians, governments, from the American Democrats to the Ukrainian ruling parties. He added that, just like in Poland a month ago, the difference was that
we had started our preparations much earlier and we had a clearer idea of the strength of our opponents, because the main man, the spider, the puppeteer was a Hungarian, George Soros and his network”.
He said: let us be generous and get over this, but we cannot get over the proven fact, already admitted by the left, that foreign states, organizations, Brussels itself gave them money to defeat us. It was the worst investment ‘Uncle George (Soros)’ ever made, and it showed the judgment of the Brussels bureaucrats to bet all their money on a lame horse, the Prime Minister maintained.
The last two years have been more difficult than ever before, with the war between Russia and Ukraine, sanctions, the energy crisis and galloping inflation. But Viktor Orbán recalled that despite unprecedented Western pressure, the country managed to stay out of war, secure its energy supply despite gas and oil sanctions, and protect price caps, jobs and family support despite soaring international energy prices.
He said that Brussels’ attempts at financial blackmail had been “shattered” and that the economy was growing again and would continue to do so. “Of course, the few euros they owe us will be collected,” he said, referring to Covid recovery funds and EU subsidies still withheld by the European Commission.
He said Hungary would defend itself with all its might and resist. “Because we are resisting the unrealistic plans of Brussels bureaucrats, we are resisting the invasion of migrants, we are resisting gender propaganda, we are resisting the war mirages, Ukraine’s unprepared EU membership, we are resisting green ideologies that are increasingly showing signs of communism and even Jacobinism, we are defending ourselves against foreign attempts to undermine our sovereignty, and we are defending ourselves against the Soros empire that is attacking us from Brussels and Washington at the same time,” he said.
The Prime Minister stressed that “we must say no to the Brussels model of Europe”, because it is unsustainable, and in Hungarian it has no future.
Today, Brussels is destroying Europe and leading it to ruin, every day they are hammering more and more nails into its coffin”,
he said.
Prime Minister Viktor Orbán during his speech. Photo: MTI/Koszticsák Szilárd
Viktor Orbán said that the EU must not be left to continue its false course, but radical changes must be implemented in Brussels. He said that if the necessary reforms are implemented the European Union will not explode, fall apart or collapse. However,
if it continues on its current path, the EU will simply fall apart. Today, neither the Union nor the Member States are implementing their own decisions, and the European Commission and the European Parliament are unscrupulously overstepping their own rules”,
he added.
What is really worrying is that everyone has adapted to this situation. The Brussels model of Europe has grown old, while the world has been renewed, refreshed and reinvigorated,” he added.
He also said that Hungarians have their own European counter-model: zero migration, a work-based economy, full employment, strong families, low taxes and a sensible green transformation. Our strength, our hope and our self-esteem are fuelled precisely by the fact that we Hungarians have our own plan, we have a European counter-model, he added.
The Hungarian model is visible, and because it is constantly under attack, it is becoming ever more noticed and envied internationally, even if officially they are bound to say the opposite, he stressed. He added that the
French, Germans, Italians and Austrians would “give half their lives” if they could have a “migrant-free country” again.
“We have zero migration, only those we let in can come here. Hungary is the safest country in Europe today, which is even more evident in the light of the street riots in the West that support terrorism,” he said.
He described the Hungarian model as: a work-based economy, full employment, strong families, national unification, declining debt, low taxes, “investment in swarms”, trade and cooperation with countries around the world, and a sensible green transformation, with the introduction of cutting-edge technologies in Hungary.
He said that the future of the Hungarian economy is now being decided, because it is now being decided where Europe’s green industry hubs will be established. This requires large-scale investment, large private investment.
The Prime Minister stressed that Hungarian green policy is not ideological or party-based. “The government’s position is: green energy yes, green ideology no”, he said.
Viktor Orbán added that he knew Hungary as a country that did not believe in colorful fairy tales. We did not buy the brown fairy tales where race and blood ruled (reference to fascism), we did not buy the red fairy tales where the proletariat and class struggle ruled (communism), that we did not buy the rainbow fairy tales (LGBTQ ideology), and we were suspicious of the poison-green fairy tales where nature would take revenge and take back power. “We Hungarians simply want a clean, healthy and natural world, according to the order of creation,” he said.
Featured Image: MTI/Koszticsák Szilárd